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Attendance Targets for Efficient and Accurate Tracking

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When setting targets for the number of submissions per student in a rotation program, administrators must consider the rotation's duration, expected attendance days, and any exceptions like weekends, public holidays, and term breaks. Below are examples and scenarios to help illustrate how to set these targets and how they affect attendance percentage calculations.

Scenario 1: Full-Year Rotation (365 Days)

  • Rotation Duration: 1st January to 31st December (365 days).
  • Submission Expectation: Students are expected to submit daily attendance reports.
  • Target: 365 submissions.
  • Attendance Calculation: If a student makes all 365 submissions, their attendance percentage is 100%. Each missed submission reduces the attendance percentage accordingly.

Scenario 2: Weekdays Only, Excluding Public Holidays and Term Breaks

  • Rotation Duration: 1st January to 31st December (365 days).
  • Submission Expectation: Students are expected to submit attendance reports every Monday to Friday, excluding weekends, public holidays, and term breaks.
  • Target Calculation:
    • Weekdays in a Year: 261 days (365 days - 104 weekend days).
    • Public Holidays: Assume 10 public holidays.
    • Term Breaks: Assume 8 weeks of term breaks (2 weeks every 3 months) = 40 weekdays.
    • Target: 261 days - 10 public holidays - 40 term break days = 211 submissions.
  • Attendance Calculation: If a student submits on all expected days (211), their attendance percentage is 100%. Each missed day reduces the percentage proportionally.

Scenario 3: Short-Term Rotation (2 Weeks)

  • Rotation Duration: 2 weeks.
  • Submission Expectation: Students are expected to submit daily attendance reports from Monday to Friday.
  • Target: 10 submissions (5 days per week × 2 weeks).
  • Attendance Calculation: If a student submits all 10 reports, their attendance percentage is 100%. Missing one day would reduce their attendance to 90%.

Impact on Percentage Attendance Calculation


The target number of submissions directly impacts the calculation of the attendance percentage. The formula is:

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  • Scenario 1 (Full-Year): Target = 365. If a student submits 365 reports, their attendance is 100%. If they submit 350 reports, their attendance will be 

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  • Scenario 2 (Weekdays Only): Target = 211. If a student submits 200 reports, their attendance will be

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  • Scenario 3 (Short-Term): Target = 10. If a student submits 9 reports, their attendance will be

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Administrators should carefully calculate the expected number of submissions based on the rotation's specifics, considering the full schedule, breaks, and non-working days. The set target will serve as the basis for attendance percentage calculations, ensuring students meet the required engagement levels.

This powers a rag status view for each of the students, read more about this here.

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'By now', Relative Progress Tracking


When setting attendance targets, it’s crucial to not only define the total expected submissions but also to monitor student progress throughout the rotation. We achieve this by calculating the expected submissions relative to today's date, based on the start and end dates of the rotation.

This approach assumes an even distribution of submissions across the entire rotation period. By calculating the expected number of submissions up to the current date, administrators can assess a student's attendance progress in real-time. This means you don’t have to wait until the end of the rotation to evaluate a student's attendance percentage.

For example, if the rotation starts on January 1st and today is January 10th, we expect that a student should have made 10 submissions if they are on track. By comparing the actual number of submissions to the expected number by now, you can determine their current attendance percentage.

This method allows you to make timely decisions and provide interventions if necessary, aligning with the principles of the Workplace-Based Assessment (WBA) model. By the end of the first day, you already have a baseline percentage, and by the end of the second day, the calculation becomes more informed, enabling more effective monitoring and decision-making.

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Monitoring Progress in Real-Time

By calculating the expected number of submissions by the current date and comparing it to the actual submissions, you can determine the student’s current attendance percentage. This allows you to make timely interventions and provide feedback as necessary, rather than waiting until the end of the rotation.

This method is particularly useful under the Workplace-Based Assessment (WBA) model, where ongoing assessment and feedback are key. By the end of the first day, you have a baseline percentage, and with each subsequent day, the calculation becomes more accurate, enabling more effective monitoring and decision-making.